Newstead Parish Council Logo Competition

The Parish Council is looking for a logo that reflects our community, the parish and has a simple, modern but relevant theme.
The winning design will be stylised by a graphic designer to create a logo to be used on our website, headed paper, Facebook page and much more
The winner will also receive a £20 voucher as thanks for their hard work

The rules:
• The competition is open to any person who lives, works, or goes to school in Newstead
• The design can be any shape but must not be smaller than 10 cm wide and 6 cm tall (bigger is fine) – entries can be hand drawn or computer designed
• The design must use no more than four strong colours (as well as black and white) so it can easily be reproduced in either a larger or smaller size as necessary
• The design must include the words “Newstead Parish Council”

The closing date for entry is 5pm on Thursday 31st March
Please send your entry design along with your name, address, and a contact phone number to or alternatively you can drop it into the Newstead Centre – please make sure it is in an envelope clearly marked Newstead Parish Council Logo Competition

Please see the poster below for terms and conditions